
Endodontics Review, Second Edition


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مدى الحياة

80.49 USD

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ملاحظة: هذا المنتج رقمي وسيتم توصيله من خلال البريد الإلكتروني الذي تم إدخاله عند التسجيل في الموقع، حيث ستتلقى رسالة بريد إلكتروني تحتوي رمز المنتج الرقمي الذي ستستخدمه لاحقا للتفعيل بمجرد إتمام الدفع. لتعلم كيفية الحصول على المنتج يرجى الضغط هنا


The field of endodontics has seen significant developments since the first edition of this book was published in 2016. Evidence-based standards evolve as the literature changes, and practitioners must adapt their clinical practice accordingly. The second edition of this study guide known in some circles as The Orange Book has been updated based on new peer-reviewed journal articles, position statements, and guidelines, and revisions are reflected in the current treatment protocols for pulpal and periapical diseases as well as traumatic dental injuries, cracked and fractured teeth, and resorptive dental injuries. Each chapter concludes with an extensive bibliography of the scientific literature for further reference. Whether this book is supplementing your predoctoral or postdoctoral endodontics curriculum or guiding your self-study in general dental or specialty practice, know you will be on the forefront of the field.

ISBN 9780867158311
الجامعة جامعة أم القرى
الكلية طب الأسنان
التخصص العلاج التحفظي وإصحاح الأسنان
كود الدورة Endo
EISBN 9781647241520
المؤلف Brooke Blicher, Rebekah Lucier Pryles, Jarshen Lin
الناشر Quintessence Publishing (IL)

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