This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book.The leading introduction to computer crime and forensicsis now fully updated to reflect today's newest attacks, laws, and investigatory best practices. Packed with new case studies, examples, and statistics, Computer Forensics and Cyber Crime, Third Edition adds up-to-the-minute coverage of smartphones, cloud computing, GPS, Mac OS X, Linux, Stuxnet, cyberbullying, cyberterrorism, search and seizure, online gambling, and much more. Covers all forms of modern and traditional computer crime, defines all relevant terms, and explains all technical and legal concepts in plain English, so students can succeed even if they have no technical, legal, or investigatory background.
ISBN | 9780132677714 |
الجامعة | الجامعة السعودية الالكترونية |
الكلية | الحوسبة والمعلوماتية |
التخصص | تقنية المعلومات |
كود الدورة | IT411 |
EISBN | 9780133036091 |
المؤلف | Marjie T. Britz |
الناشر | Pearson Education (US) |