Covering both new and proven techniques in this rapidly changing field, this classic text helps you provide solutions to many common occlusal and TMD problems. Clear descriptions and a new full-color design promote a complete understanding of normal, abnormal, and dysfunctional occlusal relationships and masticatory function and dysfunction. With its conservative, cost-effective approach, this book shows you how to achieve treatment goals while keeping your patients' best interests in mind.
ISBN | 9780323082204 |
الجامعة | جامعة أم القرى |
الكلية | طب الأسنان |
التخصص | علوم الفم الأساسية والسريرية |
كود الدورة | علم الأحياء الفموي |
EISBN | 9780323242080 |
المؤلف | Jeffrey P. Okeson |
الناشر | Elsevier Health Sciences (US) |