Research Methodology: An Introduction covers all facets of the research process, from finding a topic to disseminating the results. The subject is placed in the context of the academic scene and research needs in South Africa, and methodologies discussed include traditional modes of inquiry, research technology such as the Internet, and the role of oral tradition in the social sciences. In brief, the five parts of the book cover the following topics: Getting started; Data and design; Statistical analysis; Research writing; and Broader issues in research.
ISBN | 9780702156601 |
الجامعة | جامعة الإمام عبدالرحمن بن فيصل |
الكلية | الهندسة |
التخصص | قسم العلوم الهندسية الاساسية |
كود الدورة | العلوم الهندسية الاساسية |
EISBN | 9780702196126 |
المؤلف | Wayne Goddard, Stuart Melville |
الناشر | Juta Law |