Essential Clinical Oral Biology is an accessible guide to oral biology, introducing the scientific knowledge necessary to succeed in clinical practice. Student-friendly layout with clinical photographs throughout Each chapter has clearly defined key topics and learning objectives Covers the essentials: what you need to know and why Companion website featuring interactive MCQs, teaching presentations and downloadable images
ISBN | 9781118939680 |
الجامعة | جامعة أم القرى |
الكلية | طب الأسنان |
التخصص | علوم الفم الأساسية والسريرية |
كود الدورة | علم الأحياء الفموي |
EISBN | 9781118939666 |
المؤلف | Stephen Creanor |
الناشر | Wiley Professional, Reference & Trade (Wiley K&L) |