
Practical Advanced Periodontal Surgery


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ملاحظة: هذا المنتج رقمي وسيتم توصيله من خلال البريد الإلكتروني الذي تم إدخاله عند التسجيل في الموقع، حيث ستتلقى رسالة بريد إلكتروني تحتوي رمز المنتج الرقمي الذي ستستخدمه لاحقا للتفعيل بمجرد إتمام الدفع. لتعلم كيفية الحصول على المنتج يرجى الضغط هنا


A fully updated second edition of this well-illustrated guide to advanced surgical procedures in periodontology 

Practical Advanced Periodontal Surgery, Second Edition is a step-by-step guide to cutting-edge surgical techniques and interdisciplinary treatment approaches in periodontology.  Written by leading experts in the field, the book provides solutions to complex daily dental challenges with innovative approaches to each treatment modality. Procedures are described in a practical and accessible style, highlighting complex and advanced procedures using a highly illustrated visual format.

This expanded edition includes three new chapters that cover IV sedation, digital technologies in clinical restorative dentistry, and advanced implant therapies in the esthetic zone post extraction. Well balanced and solidly grounded in the science, this reference work is an indispensable resource for the practitioner of advanced dentistry. This important guide: 

•    Offers an easy-to-use, practical step-by-step format

•    Contains clinical photographs that detail the surgical procedures presented

•    Reviews the most advanced techniques in periodontal surgery and their integration with digital treatment planning and workflow

•    Discusses the pros and cons for each procedure, as well as limitations and potential complications

•    Features video clips illustrating key points in the procedures described on a companion website

Written for periodontists, periodontal residents and general or restorative dentists, this revised edition of Practical Advanced Periodontal Surgery is a practical and complete clinical manual filled with illustrations for easy reference.

ISBN 9781119196310
الجامعة جامعة أم القرى
الكلية طب الأسنان
التخصص العلاج التحفظي وإصحاح الأسنان
كود الدورة CCC II
EISBN 9781119196341
المؤلف Serge Dibart
الناشر Wiley Global Research (STMS)

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