Featuring over 800 clear, high-quality photographs and radiographic illustrations, this fully updated Fifth Edition of Color Atlas of Common Oral Diseases is designed throughout to help readers recognize and identify oral manifestations of local or systemic diseases. The new edition includes expanded and updated content and is enhanced by new images, new case studies, a stronger focus on national board exam prep, and more. The book’s easy-to-navigate, easy-to-learn-from standard format consists of two-page spreads that provide a narrative overview on one page with color illustrations on the facing page. To integrate oral diagnosis, medicine, pathology, and radiology, the overviews emphasize the clinical description of oral lesions, cover the nature of various disease processes, and provide a brief discussion of cause and treatment options.
ISBN | 9781284240986 |
الجامعة | جامعة أم القرى |
الكلية | طب الأسنان |
التخصص | علوم الفم الأساسية والسريرية |
كود الدورة | علم الأمراض الفموية |
EISBN | 9781284242379 |
المؤلف | Robert P. Langlais; Craig S. Miller; Jill S. Gehrig |
الناشر | Jones & Bartlett Learning |