Business models rely on the development and use of technologies in logistics and supply chain management in order to continually improve business processes. E-Logistics and E-Supply Chain Management: Applications for Evolving Business explores the creation of integrated supply chains, the developments of virtual business, and the processes of re-engineering for business development. This reference source is useful for researchers, students, and practitioners to provide an academic and pragmatic approach to electronic logistics and supply chain management.
ISBN | 9781466639140 |
الجامعة | الجامعة السعودية الالكترونية |
الكلية | العلوم الإدارية والمالية |
التخصص | التجارة الالكترونية |
كود الدورة | ECOM402 |
EISBN | 9781466639157 |
المؤلف | Deryn Graham |
الناشر | IGI Global |