Agile/virtual enterprise (A/VE) is seen as a new and most advanced organizational paradigm, and is expected to serve as a vehicle towards a seamless perfect alignment of the enterprise within the market. Agile Virtual Enterprises: Implementation and Management Support addresses A/VE as a highly dynamic, reconfigurable agile network of independent enterprises sharing all resources, including knowledge, market, and customers; using specific organizational architectures that introduce the enterprises' true virtual environments.
ISBN | 9781599040103 |
الجامعة | الجامعة السعودية الالكترونية |
الكلية | العلوم الإدارية والمالية |
التخصص | التجارة الالكترونية |
كود الدورة | ECOM425 |
EISBN | 9781599040127 |
المؤلف | Maria Manuela Cruz-Cunha |
الناشر | IGI Global |