To find the most current and correct codes, dentists and their dental teams can trust CDT 2021: Current Dental Terminology, developed by the ADA, the official source for CDT codes. 2021 code changes include 28 new codes, 7 revised codes, and 4 deleted codes. CDT 2021 contains new codes for counseling for the control and prevention of adverse oral, behavioral, and systemic health effects associated with high-risk substance use, including vaping; medicament application for the prevention of caries; image captures done through teledentistry by a licensed practitioner to forward to another dentist for interpretation; testing to identify patients who may be infected with SARS-CoV-2 (aka COVID-19). CDT codes are developed by the ADA and are the only HIPAA-recognized code set for dentistry. CDT 2021 codes go into effect on January 1, 2021.
ISBN | 9781684470594 |
الجامعة | جامعة أم القرى |
الكلية | طب الأسنان |
التخصص | وقاية الأسنان |
كود الدورة | Pedo |
EISBN | 9781684470600 |
المؤلف | American Dental Association |
الناشر | American Dental Association |